This is best answered when we understand the difference between discipline (chastisement) and punishment.
- Discipline is objective oriented while punishment is not objective oriented. One is disciplined because disciplinarian loves him while one is punished because he unrepentant.
- Discipline opens doors for more learning of new things and to conform ourselves to the image of Christ(Romans 12:1-2) but punishment does not. Discipline makes one wiser- Proverbs 29:15; Proverbs 12:1
- Discipline is a measure applied to transform someone from trash to treasure but punishment destroys.
- Discipline turns someone from a rebellious lifestyle to obedient lifestyle but punishment does not give such room.
- Discipline subdued the flesh to function in the standards of Christ but punishment destroys the flesh to satisfy the works of Satan.
- Discipline leads to complete repentance but punishment leads to destruction- Psalm 38:17-18; Psalm 32:1-5
- Discipline is a blessing but punishment is a curse – Job 5:17;Psalm 94:12
- Discipline is needed by legitimate children- 23:13-14; Prov.22:15; Prov.19:18; Eph.6:4
- Discipline is good, so we all need it- 1 Corinth.9:24-27; Prov.25:28; 2 Tim. 1:7
- Discipline of any type seem painful but has a positive effect in the individual’s life unlike punishment- 12:10-11; James 1:2-4
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Fasting is a disciplinary measure taken to deal and subdue the flesh(immoral attitudes), and brings you closer to God; so discipline is good as recorded in Hebrews 12:7-13.
A child who is not chastised is an illegitimate child-Hebrews 12:8. An ideal parent must discipline his or her child to help transform the trash in the child to TREASURE- Rev.3:19; Prov. 3:11-12; Deu. 8:5-6; Heb.12:5-9
It is also very important for you to understand that not all that comes on us that seems to be God’s allowed discipline are actually God’s allowed discipline. The Bible says John 1:12 that as many that received him, to them gave he power to become sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. We should be opened to divine sensitivity to hear, listen and know when God is disciplining us.
When God Forgives A Sinner ( A Repentant and Unrepentant Sinner) What Comes With It?
Now you can place God’s actions on a repentant sinner and an unrepentant sinner. When a sinner is opened and ready to go through repentance, discipline is administered to him physically or naturally and he is saved spiritually into eternal life but if a sinner is closed and not ready to go through repentance, punishment is administered physically or naturally and he is condemned spiritually into eternal damnation.
The repentant sinner might go through natural discipline sickness; jail; dismissal from job; etc, just like the unrepentant sinner and though painful; the repentant sinner should count it all joy and endure the discipline and allow God to work in his life using the discipline as he is saved to life eternal; just like the two thieves on the cross with Christ. They both went through natural discipline(repentant sinner) and punishment (unrepentant sinner) but repentant sinner was saved to life eternal- Luke 23:39-43.
Matthew 5:9 “Blessed re the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”
Any offender who offends knowingly or unknowingly and has the habit of seeking peace and reconciliation is a peacemaker. The processes are not changed.
Meet the victim and reconcile issues, after repeated attempts to make peaceful reconciliation, if the victim fails to accept it. Then he should go with witnesses. If the victim still fails to accept. Then he should go with the elders of the local church, representing the church and if the victim still fails to accept it. At this point, God is pleased with the peacemaker offender as he is to continue praying for the victim for a change of attitude.
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When God forgives a sinner who is willing to repent, the sinner receives everlasting life.
When God Forgives a sinner who is unrepentant, there is that tendency that he might still end in hell if he never repents out his sins.