THE CHURCH FAMILY: Individual Mt. 18

This book of the New Testament revealed the standard laid down by Jesus for whoever comes to him and decides to walk the path he has walked.

The Church Family or The Christological family:

This involves the local church family. There are many times you are been offended by your local church brethren. Many times you avoid them because you feel that was the best thing to do as a Christian. Listen to the truth; Jesus has laid down a procedure that every Christian must follow.

the church family

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Rule 1: You need the humility of a child. You must accept this rule of being humble as a child as that is what the kingdom of God entails – Mt. 18:1-4

What does it mean to be humble as a child?

According to Dag Heward-Mills, when you are humble like a child, you will:

  1. Quickly or easily forgive
  2. Sit quietly and listen to instructions and teachings
  3. Be happy to learn new things, especially the positive things
  4. Emulate things quickly, especially the positive things
  5. Not be conscious of the material affluence of others
  6. Not be conscious of people’s nationalities, tribes and states
  7. Not cover your natural weakness
  8. Be trust and believe in the words of others, especially that of God
  9. Not conscious of your present circumstances
  10. Be open and transparent
  11. Be soft and bendable
  12. Express your need for others
When we are humble as a child then, Christ dwells in us and whoever receives us, receives Christ.

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Rule 2; Strive and prayerfully with caution, try not to be the masterminds of offence. It is true that offences are everywhere but sometimes we can avoid them and when they are coming out from us, we should try to listen to what God has to say, and redirect our steps to avoid barring down a city – Mt. 18:7-10.

“If thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off” in the verses 8 and 9 of Matthew 18, Jesus charged His disciples to avoid giving offense.  Jesus knew that outside offenses coming from other people to an individual disciple, there is also the attitude of the very disciple that can give offense to other people; so He charged them to cut off such offensive attitude in their lives respectively.

The statement made by Christ does not mean the excommunication carried out or pronounced by the Local Church as the body of Christ to an unrepentant brother after repeated advices or warnings but implies the individual attitude of the believer that could offences to others. For instance; pride or arrogance, materialism, egocentrism, tribalism, talkativeness, etc.

the church family

Rule 3: Accept the truth, that the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. You must follow suit, if you are really his disciple. One objective you must always have in mind as a Christian is to save the lost ones.

The lost ones are not only sinners but also the ones that get you offended sometimes bring them back on the right tract if you really known that they are erring even when their words are hurting. Mt. 18:11-14.

Note: There is nothing wrong   to get angry with them, chastise them, etc but strive to change your anger to hunger for love of making them walk on the right path.

Rule 4: Forgive other people, understand other people’s condition before taking any action towards them. Do unto others what you would like others to do to you. Mt. 18:23-34

Rule 5: Always have it as a banner, that Forgiveness is one of  the pillars  in heaven and that is why if you don’t forgive others of their sins towards you, God will also not forgive  you.

The landmark of forgiveness is also applied in our biological family.

Who has offended you in your family? (the Church family)

Christ standards are clear, simple to whoever that is ready to observe them.

  • Meet such a brother one-to-one and discuss the matter alone with him/her.
  • Go with two or more witnesses when he is not ready to accept the truth.
  • Go with the elders of the family when there is no result.
Conquer unforgivingness; smile and move on.

the church family

Note: Importantly, the offence of a brother might not necessary be an act against a fellow brother, but could also be an act against the standards of God.

For instance, a brother who is involve in a fornicating lifestyle and you have noticed this attitude, it is on the standard of Christ for the church to approach him, one-on-one.

Sometimes, the elders of the local church might not know the secret or hidden sins but such hidden sins are known by a brother in such department.

You can save, restore or bring back your brother to the right path.

the church family

Not being able to approach your fellow brother wisely as a result of the power of influence coming from the brother who is going the wrong way, is one of the challenges facing the local church today. The brother is very rich, he is the youth leader due to his riches; he fornicates with the female youths and none could tell him the truth. (Compare 1Corinthians 5:1-2)

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