Home The Kingdom Investment Investing Your Treasure

Investing Your Treasure

Investing your treasure


We should understand that there are two types of treasures, namely: Good treasure also know as positive treasure and the Bad type of treasure also known as the negative treasure. Whatever treasure you have acquired, it needs investment.

Today’s seminar is focused on the positive treasure which God gives. Your treasure is your GIFT. Your gift is your TALENT. Your talent is what connects you to God for divine exploit. It is the talent in you that projects you to the world. It is your talent the world sees and describes you with a famous name. As tou already been taught that there are two types of gifts from the first teacher, namely: physical and spiritual and he sub divided them into: Extrinsic, Intrinsic and Extri-Intrinsic. Whatever gift that we get in life physically or spiritually, we need to invest them to become who God has wished us to become. Remember, every individual has the divine right to choose to become what God desires for him or not to become what God desires for him.

A man that fails to identify his talent will never get to the apex of life success, because he will never be able to INVEST his talent.

A lot of business minded people, must have limited the definition of investment in respect to putting money in a particular business with a general aim of making profit. So profit is their first primary view. In the standard of God, as regards the topic sentence (theme) of this seminar “Investing Your Treasure(s)” is simply giving qualities or abilities to your talent. Energize your talent to TALK! To invest means to furnish with power or authority your talent. Make your treasure (talent) command respect.

Every image of God has that talent according to their respective abilities or potentials but not until your invest it, you cannot in any way climb the next step of the ladder.

Every step or height you attain in life spiritually and physically is simply a direct product of the investment made. A treasure is any possession that is highly valued by its owner. One reason why a lot of people fail to invest their talent (Treasure) is that they don’t value it.

Investing your treasure


  1. ATTITUDE: Prov.23:7

Valuing or not valuing your talent forms an integral part of your attitude. Your attitude is the way you manage your character. Your attitude defines the altitude you will attain in life, although character sustains you there. The One talent man probably would have done better than the five and two talents men, if he had the best attitude. His attitude was envious. Believe me, even with one talent he would have done better because his lord gave them according to their abilities (potentials). You need to value what God has deposited in you, to help you affect the world positively. We all must not be called by the title of an apostle before we start preaching effectively the kingdom mandate message. Even a cleaner in the house of God, who sees cleaning the house of God as a treasure, can invest the talent and become a covenant agent of God, by causing miracles every worship day. Do you know that a local church cleaner can pray and probably anoint the chair before the service, such that whoever sits on it during service time is sure of being touched by God’s power? Attitude!

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  1. TIME: Ecclesiastes 8:6, Ephesians 5:15-16.

A lot of people that have discovered their talents have ended up developing negative attitude of valuing it according to time. Time is infinite, it is endless according to natural principles even when we have appointed time, we were all born to meet the time, it has been, it has been ticking for ages. Those tha count time will certainly count and die counting and time will still be ticking. Create some time! Value time! Have time to invest you treasure (talent).

For instance, a singer who has found out that singing is his talent but fails to give in time or ample time in rehearsals will certainly not do well. The Bible talks about set time, any man that fails to set time will never value his set time. Have you set time in your life to invest your talent? You have been a Christian for decades but you find it uneasy to lead a prayer section in the local church, conduct Bible study, etc. All these happen because you have not set time in your life to study, so you have failed to understand that your set time has come for you to function in the local church as a minister. You have a business, you don’t give in ample time, believe me, you will have little or no success. Time! Make it tick well in your talent.

Investing your treasure


This is the act of being diligent. Diligence is simply a persevering determination to perform a task. It has to do with giving the degree of care required in a given situation. There is nowhere in the Bible, in life situations, spiritually and physically that a diligent man don’t end gloriously.

Who is a diligent man?

  • A diligent man considers the impact his talent will create in the lives of others. He is very sensitive to the things around him and the talent. Prov. 23:1; Prov. 27:23
  • A diligent man thinks plenteously. How his talent will positively touch a lot of people. 21:5
  • A diligent man sees what he has to be precious, so he guides it wisely. Prov. 12:27
  • A diligent man works with rules, principles or orders. Prov. 12:24
  • A diligent man procures favour. Prov.11:27
  • A diligent man has no slack hands. He is not lazy. Prov.10:4
  • A diligent man, diligently seeks the face of God for directives or leadership and certainly get the reward of diligence. Prov. 7:15.

Invest your talent diligently from today!

Investing Your Treasure

  1. CHARACTER: Prov.22:13; Prov. 6:1-12.

The inherent complex of attributes that determines a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions, Prov. 22:4. A lot of people are where they are today because of their character probably because they are firm or too firm; they accept everything that they hear or don’t listen when people try to advice in what they do.

Sincerely two unique character s that will grease your attitude, help put you at the peak, maintain and sustain you at the peak are HUMILITY and the FEAR of God that comes with wisdom to help you INVEST YOUR TALENT.


  • Invest your treasures today by
  • Identifying the treasures in you
  • Knowing the place of investment
  • When to invest
  • Expect returns and be ready to give ACCOUNT to OUR lord JESUS CHRIST as he leads you in your Attitude, Time, Diligence and Character.


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