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The Liquor


THE LIQUOR “Jesus… a drunkard?” is a book which is aimed at breaking the human concept and religious understanding towards drinking wine and strong drink; a concept or dogmatic teaching that has put many religious fellows operating in circles of pains. THE LIQUOR “JESUS… a drunkard?” will in no way encourage you to become a man gluttonous, and a winebibber but it will encourage you to break yourself out from that circles of pains, so that you can enjoy the liberty of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion because Jesus Christ brought liberty to all.

“… Let no man therefore judge you in drink…” Colossians 2:16.

Dear readers, do not drop THE LIQUOR “Jesus… a drunkard?” no matter your religious height, digest “The LIQUOR” and become a pacesetter as the church.



(JESUS…a drunkard?)

The Liquor

“NOW THE Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.”1Timothy 4: 1- 6

Holding  to this epistle and through the sufficient and unlimited grace of God; I humbly write to put you in remembrance of these things that false teachers, ignorance and dogmatism has put a lot of believer in, regarding THE LIQUOR.

How do you feel when you see your brother in Christ drinking a bottle of beer or when they see you drinking alcoholic drink? Condemned! Unclean! Sinner! Hell fire; right? I am not a connoisseur of oenology, but I will explicitly communicate in respect to the biblical teachings of our Great Teacher; the Author of the book you are holding.

He was a super oenologist. He demonstrated this noble profession, as he miraculously transformed the molecular structure of water to becoming WINE, the same way THEY did it during creation. I am privileged to be used by Him in writing His inspired teaching regarding liquor as a way of bringing back the derailed innocent brethren that have been hypnotized with the dogmatic teaching of wine; especially alcoholic beverages.

The wine Jesus made was the best occasional wine; no matter how spiritual leaders may be led by their spirit to analyze this act of the Greatest Teacher; Jesus Christ. The truth still remains that the wine was consumed by men of blood and flesh; fortunately, the Master of Ceremony happened to be a connoisseur, who was able to evaluate the wine he drank. He never said the wine was a miraculous wine; all he knew was that he drank the best wine.


The Christian scholars must understand that All that we see as physical were all a product of the spiritual word “Let there be”, even man inclusive. Wine in the vine trees was a miracle. Who can tell how the wine got into the tree. Who can tell how water got into the coconut fruit?

No matter what science will research; no matter how the philosophy of men may analyze it, the knowledge can still not be comprehended totally, the best way to understand it comprehensively is to carefully study the actions or deeds of God the Father and the Son towards wine. Even if science has defined it has non-alcoholic and alcoholic wine, the FACT of science still stands that ‘exact measurement is impossible’.

The result of every measurement is expressed in numbers resulting from approximation such that only the last digit contains error.’ All consumable things created by God were never bad, for they were all very good.


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